Looming skills shortage needs immediate action
One of the biggest areas of concern for CEOs is not only retaining key skilled workers but finding those skilled workers in 2022 and beyond.
With the world over the next few years still being gripped by the post-pandemic changes and the disruption in the way people work and the world’s increasing reliance on remote technologies, there continues to be a looming skills shortage for companies which cannot be ignored.
This year and into 2023, 71% of CEOs according to Deliotte and Fortune surveys saw a skills and labour shortage as one of the biggest business disruptors they would need to urgently act upon.
And this problem isn’t expected to subside any time soon, with this particular issue expected to hit critical shortages by 2030, with a reported expected shortage of skilled workers by 85 million people globally.
Therefore, organisations need to react on how they plan to overcome a lack of skilled individuals, and one area is the rise of low-code/no-code services, with training and often skilling existing staff in-house.
This area is seeing growth of 20% year on year where non-technical staff such as project managers or business analysts are being trained to develop automation solutions or processes for their organisations.
Appian, a leading specialist in this area, reported that by 2022 the typical number of low-code skilled staff being trained or hired had increased by as much as 70%.*
Therefore, it is possible for a business to become their own disruptors within their industry, by utilising existing staff from non-traditional areas for automation process development.
What shouldn’t also be ignored is your highly skilled staff and aligning them to high impact work. Your highly skilled workers are going to be in even more demand than before, and with a limited talent pool some businesses could also find that the number of staff available will be limited not just by sheer numbers, but also from a wage perspective with demand being higher than normal.
(*Source: https://www.computerworld.com/article/3664116/how-tech-companies-are-responding-to-the-talent-gap.html)
Therefore, as a business, your high impact staff need to be focused in providing maximum value, and not manually performing repetitive, low-level tasks day to day.
Low-code/no-code business process automation is then going to be a key differentiator to your business to allow your staff to achieve those high impact tasks and automate those repetitive business processes that, while they are critical to how your business functions, add little outward value to your business.
Efficiency is therefore absolutely required and can be achieved in this way across your entire staff.
71% of CEOs according to Deliotte and Fortune surveys saw a skills and labour shortage as one of the biggest business disruptors..."
Deliotte https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/about-deloitte/articles/press-releases/ceos-offer-a-contrarian-view-remaining-moderately-optimistic.html
Process automation made easy
IA-Connect provides business process automation capability in the form of low-code/no-code via the IA-Connect Inspector to visually and easily get going on what you would like to automate as a process.
This allows staff that are not traditionally aligned to automation to gain the advantages of it without having to be extensively trained in coding.