2022 in review
The world today is a very different place to where we were just a couple of years ago.
A global pandemic and significant market disruption across all industries and organisations have meant that businesses have been forced to adapt to a new way of working.
Following on from our previous eBook, we have seen new challenges as well as new opportunities on how automation adoption allows customers to streamline their businesses against their overall business processes.
This has been accelerated with the fact that customers are needing to do more with either less or the same level of capability, meaning automation is not just for your technical staff or your IT infrastructure.
73% of organisations worldwide are now using automation technologies - such as robotics, machine learning and natural language processing - up from 48% in 2019*
In this eBook we will look at key trends for 2023 and beyond, and how these trends can help you and your business adopt automation successfully and consider areas for automation that you may not be aware of to get your business running as efficiently as possible.
Matt Hudson | Ultima Group Director
(*Source: Deloitte - https://www2.deloitte.com/mt/en/pages/about-deloitte/press-releases/mt-pr2020-010-global-automation-intelligence-survey.html)